Income & Impact Workshop

March 25th from 10 am to 12 Noon PST

FREE 2 Hour LIVE Workshop

*Event will be recorded and shared to all who registered but could not join us LIVE*

Build a profitable and inclusive business that pays it forward!

In this workshop, you will access:

  • My most powerful strategies to serve more people and earn more with no BS

  • A framework that not many coaches in this industry are talking about but you need to know if you're a high integrity coach.

  • An opportunity to network and learn with other like-minded business leaders who care deeply about inclusive social impact.

**Without replicating BS in the online business space!**


This is Who You Are:

  • You are a coach, consultant, healer, or social innovator on a mission to create massive impact and real social change through your business.

  • You are committed to deep alignment with your core values around justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion.

  • You are on fire with purpose, ready to serve more people, and build a legacy of impact and income to pay it forward to future generations.

  • You are struggling to break earning $5k-$10k-$15k-$20k-$30K a month consistently and sustainably

  • You are an expert at your craft, excellent at what you do, and your clients get great results (and this is not the problem getting in your way of scaling!)

  • You are a bold action-taker who is ready to invest in yourself, your team, and your business to serve more people and earn more in a way that is truly ethical and sustainable

This is What You Want:

  • You want to simplify your offers and audience have a few different offers and/or you have more than one target audience and feel like you are doing a lot

  • You want to develop or re-design a signature group program or another scale-able offer that does not over-stretch your time

  • You want consistent and steady enrollment in your programs and offers with recurring revenue so that you are grounded

You Are Ready to:

  • You are ready to delegate, do less, and earn more so you can contribute to the social causes you care about, along with caring for yourself, your family, and/or community

  • You are ready to shift your mindset so that you are no longer working too hard, over-giving, or undercharging

  • You are ready to take a long hard look at your numbers and set up KPI’s and data to reach your business goals


  • Engage in purposeful networking and build your community of aligned partners

  • Get total clarity on your vision and a strategy to scale (P.S. Scaling means serving more people and earning more money without burning-out or compromising quality)

  • Learn my signature Sales Flow Event framework to support people in saying yes to your offers without manipulating them

  • Apply the Do.Ditch.Delegate. tool to evaluate the systems and support you need to grow sustainably

  • Elevate your money stories and own your full value and potential to earn more in integrity

  • Create win-win partnerships with soul-aligned leaders

What does it mean to scale in integrity?

We hear the term scale tossed around a lot in the entrepreneurial space. But what does this mean for you?

Traditionally, to scale means serving more clients while spending less time, money, and other resources to earn more.

The old-world bro-business way to scale looks like this:

1. Raising your rates constantly and pricing out large groups of people you want to serve

2. Cramming more and more people into a group program with no thought to the impact or result

3. Giving no thought to the unique needs of diverse clients and making programs more formulaic or cookie cutter to serve larger numbers of people

The No BS way to scale with integrity looks like this:

1. Building a social impact business model that creates access

2. Defining a sweet spot niche of clients that can afford your high ticket and paying some of that revenue forward into sponsorships for those who can't

3. Ensuring your program does not ever compromise results for numbers

4. Building a diverse team and paying them well to help you serve more people

5.Bringing in partners, other coaches, and additional resources to create BETTER results as your programs grow

I'll See You There!

Hey, I’m Brigette! I’m a No B.S. Business Coach for leaders who want to earn more and serve more clients without compromising quality or their commitment to equity and inclusion.

I help coaches, consultants and healers disrupt toxic capitalist models and build a business model that is sustainable and scale-able.

My mission is to connect and support entrepreneurs, who are motivated by impact more than income, to create sustainable and scalable business models that generate revenue and give back to historically marginalized groups.

I cultivate spaces of inclusion and diversity for my Embrace Change coaching community built on the foundations of these core values:

  • Committing to anti-racism and social justice

  • Implementing Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion in our community spaces

  • Honoring sacred wisdom in order to eliminate cultural appropriation, spiritual bypass, and racial gaslighting

  • Committing to marketing that is not coercive or manipulative

Feeling aligned with my values? If so, I look forward seeing you at the workshop and being in community with you soon!

Sign Up For The FREE 2 Hour LIVE Workshop Here

March 25th, 2021, 10 am - 12 Noon PST